art contemporain, contextuel , relationnel, art du déplacement
In short
tadlachance is an art association dedicated to nomad, relational and contextual art practice founded In 2002 by Madeleine Doré and Françoise Rod.
The association creates reflexive spaces that offer opportunities to perceive daily life differently. tadlachance has developed activities as those relating to the hospitality and opportunities provided for ‘nomad’ artists en route through France. tadlachance is dedicated also to special, one-off installations, contextual projects. interventions, and multi-cultural art events in public spaces, facilitates research, and brings people together from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.
L’association tadlachance propose pour 2024 et 2025 différentes activités : arts plastiques, art-thérapie, yoga et une chorale Tous nos intervenants sont diplômés dans leur domaine Ateliers d’arts plastiques Atelier permettant de développer sa créativité,...